About Me

My full name is Daniel Oliveira Serrano de Andrade, and I’m from a city in northeastern Brazil: João Pessoa.

I graduated in Law, doodling on every notebook I used during the course. Yes, you’re reading the correct bio, it’s just that my first degree involved stacks of paper and exhaustive sobriety.

But it was by failing miserably in one field that animation reached out to me. Small illustrations turned into GIFs, which turned into videos, and suddenly, the After Effects interface didn’t seem so terrifying. Shortly after, it was time to tame another giant: 3D software.

Recently, I graduated in Animation Design from Méliès College in São Paulo, Brazil; another step in the series of personal challenges that has been my career. Perhaps it’s the avid jRPG player within me: I just can’t leave a side quest behind.

I’ve been married for almost 4 years; I have 2 cats (Carrot and Slippers); I like anime, metal, and I was alphabetized in English by watching Friends and the original version of Final Fantasy VIII (okay… fine! I also took classes).

I’ve always enjoyed telling stories, and in animation, that’s where I bring them to life.